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Timeline for numbers

By: Stephanie Martinez

Disillusion for the illusionists

Making life appear longer than the timeline

A predestined fate

Due to a predisposed slate


As the results lay in your hands


Your life becomes a timeline

And now everyday your fighting

Fighting the stereotype of life

Infectious disease

More like trying to keep normality dancing at the club cause you haven't had enough

Before you go home gotta have fun

Before the world stops seeing you and sees what has become

The person you trusted gave you a life sentence

HIV is a serial killer

Stopping at all hospitals

No discrimination as it infects your body

Making life harder than the easy breaks

The reminded mistakes

The forget me not

Remake me into a live action

Save them from their past actions

Save them from the discretions

Grinding nails into rust

Infection to the blood

Don't ever get cut

The fear that you will end up all alone

These ways you can catch something from a small touch

HIV positive

The paper reads

The world is no longer as it seems

But living is a must

Living is changing what is a must

And keeping your life the same

Changes the past plus

Life contingencies

Forever a glass wall apart from being free

Just treat you for you

What happened to friends who used to be

Friends who understood

Your life was not a timeline on a sheet of paper

But eyes and lungs to see and breathe

A body just as everybody

A life with a purpose

The consequence of life unexpectedly

Where you will be treated equally

Be positive about life

Instead of fearing what's right

To be able to share the time

Of living

A number on a chart

Designed to start


Be aware you are not a threat

Be aware you are a human

Save them from stereotype

Same them from the start of illness

Save them from the scares

Save them from white blood cell drops

As the hospital gets colder

The faves get older

And as time evolves

This sheet is nothing but a tall tale

An expiration date

Placed on your life expectancy

Outliving your timeline

Creating your own oath


But the world is still the same

Living for life and not for your state.

Reflection on November 2nd.

Trip to NYU campus in Manhattan to watch 2 short films by WRRQ Collective.

Both films talk about transgender issues except one shows the gruesome side of what happens to transgender people. The other is showing the relationships between transgender people and how the normal effects of life such as cheating can change someone's life. The change that can happen after someone transitions and after someone is told they have HIV. The way that people are told to live their lives in fear of being who they are to then live their life simply as a human.


Hitting on another subject when we visited Cuchifritos there was a installment of 3 pieces of art. It was deciphered to having been about the different stages of having HIV. These photographs had different amounts of apples in each picture. Each picture is a portrayal of someone's life whether they are depressed or happy — it showed in the little details. Each photo was unique and expressed a different story.


Tying that to the fact that three characters in Wild Ponies had HIV. This provided another side to the story of intimacy not only between transgender people but relationships in general. The importance of support and living the best life you can even while having HIV. Which is more common than most people think — I have a friend with HIV.

Interview with Steph by Sarahfina

Interview with Steph by Sarahfina

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Interview with Steph by Sarahfina, Part 2

Interview with Steph by Sarahfina, Part 2

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